Saturday, November 26, 2011

Not a shopaholic!

Shopping. I used to looove shopping. Strolling around at my own pace, trying on clothes, picking out new make up. Oh and SHOES! OMG! Shoes!! Even when my older boys were younger and I was a stay at home mum, I use to pop them in the pram and go shopping. At least once a week. Most of the time we window shopped, but shopping! I loved it!

So as you can imagine, with 5 kids and a full time job, study and a hubby who works nights means that I have very little time to go shopping. Whatever shopping I do(besides groceries) is done online because I simply do not have the time. Loading 5 children into and out of the car is enough to put anyone off going shopping. But today I decided I would bite the bullet and just do it. The hubby decided to come with me and we went to a shopping centre that was 30 minutes away(and got stuck on the freeway for ages to to roadworks, grrr!).

The shops were mayhem. For one, it's a Saturday and two, it's leading up to Christmas. I couldn't believe when I walked in and there were children already getting photos with Santa. In November!! That's just pure craziness!

I really didn't enjoy myself. Not with a tired hubby and kids that couldn't wait longer than 2 minutes in one store. Someone had to go to the toilet every 5 minutes and people are just damn rude! I was astounded at the amount of people who knocked the stroller and didn't bother apologising. Is it really that hard to say sorry people?! Sheesh.

I did come away with some sexy new shoes and some red accessories for my outfit, some shapeware and invisible lift up stick on bra things(sounds intriguing doesn't it, I'll let you know how those work out). Hubby got a  nice dark grey shirt to wear(at $85, eek!).

Oh and I bought some tea from T2. If you are a tea lover, I recommend you find a store. Or you can check out the website here . I have had the Creme Brulee tea tonight and it's delicious! I plan to try the Toffee one with breakfast tomorrow. Highly recommend it! The iced teas are next on my hit list.

After today I am in no rush to go shopping again. I'll stick to my online shopping as much as I hate having to wait for things to arrive in the post(I am one of those 'I want it and I want it NOW' kind of people. Annoying much?). I'm kind of sad about it all, my bestie just informed me that it  means I am getting old and boy do I feel it. So not cool.

By the way, only 12 days until the hubby and I jetset to Sydney for the weekend, completely kid free!!1 Did I mention that this will be the first time away without any kids(we even had one of them with us on our honeymoon)!

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