Monday, June 6, 2011

Disaster zone AKA my kitchen.

I know that some of you are going to be horrified when you set your sights on the state of my kitchen. Cross my heart and hope to die that this kitchen was spotless on Friday. Today was a public holiday, so instead of my usual 2 days of cleaning up after the kids all day long I've been doing it for 3 days. The rapid rate that my kitchen goes from being clean to a total bomb site amazes me. No joke, it can happen in mere hours and I don't know how it's even possible. Kids!!

People often ask me how I manage my life, that I must be some kind of Super Mum. Believe me, I am far from it and here is the proof. My kitchen this morning:

Please note that the glasses and plate at the front of the bench are clean, they belong in the cupboard above the microwave but Jayden is too short to reach it to put them away. His daily chore is to empty the dishwasher and I may or may not have decided that this would be his chore because I despise doing the task myself.

It didn't take me long, but I felt much better when my kitchen looked like this:

There are still some dishes there, I had put a load in the dishwasher and they needed to go through the second run.

My kitchen is cute(you can't really see it but I made the curtains and they are of pink cupcakes(much to the Hubby's dismay!). I love the colours and the cupboard space, not to mention the bench space. You wouldn't believe the lack of bench space we've had in previous houses. The only thing I don't like is the oven being so low. Tahnee tries to swing off it like a monkey, it's a bit of a worry. There is no way of blocking the kitchen off to the rest of the house either.

So it is just me? Is my kitchen the only one that stays clean for an hour tops?

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