Oops, so I forgot about last week. I was having a bit of a Debbie Downer week, so I never bothered to update my blog.
So week 6, I lost 500g. Week 7(today), I lost another 800g. Bringing me down to 80.6kg! I have not been this light in about 5 years!!
My eating has gotten back on track, and while I do have some naughty things, I try to make sure I do some exercise to burn it off. I have done 2 Zumba classes now and I LOVE IT. I spend a lot of it giggling along with my friends at how clumsy we are, but boy do we feel it - legs burning, sweat pouring out of us.
We also tried out the water aerobics yesterday and sort of thought we were in for an easy ride. Well, guess again! I think I am more sore after that than after a Zumba class. It was fun though(even though my best friend nearly killed me for conning her into doing the class instead of going to get her haircut). We almost fainted after getting puffed out in 15 minutes only to be told that we'd just completed the warm up! But we will go back again. Call us suckers for punishment.
Monday we are trying out Aero Boxing. Should be interesting. I can already tell that I'm going to get my butt kicked.
I am keeping up with my running too but just fitting it in where I can between my classes. I made the mistake of running the night before Zumba and my legs were screaming at me the whole hour long! Still on week2 at the moment and I'll do the 3rd run tomorrow before moving onto week 3. Loving it, but find it hard to fit it in. Running only happens once the kids are all in bed, I've read too many stories about young ones having accidents on moving treadmills.
I Want My Baby Back (Baby Back, Baby Back)
3 months ago
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